In our experience, most of our customers prefer haylage with a dry matter of 70-80%, which is higher than average dry matter, with a lot of haylage produced being between 50-70% d.m.1.
The advantages of this are numerous:
Equi-Grass is:
- Safer to feed ad lib.
- Higher in fibre
- Less acidic
- Lower in lactic acid
- More stable once opened
- Often more balanced in protein/energy
- Better value due to lower moisture content
The main disadvantages to this; and the reasons why many producers favour wetter haylage, is that it takes longer to dry after cutting, increasing the risk of rain spoilage and is more costly to produce.
Above all our haylage is consistent. We wrap our bales in clear plastic which allows bales to be inspected prior to delivery, ensuring very few returns.

Haylage is available in either Premier or Classic ranges:
- Premier is produced from Italian ryegrass grown on a two-year rotation. It is a high-quality, coarse forage.
- Classic is produced from longer-term leys, often with the addition of Timothy. This is a finer forage with higher fibre and lower protein and energy levels.
Haylage is available in 250kg bales, and multipacks of conventional bales to order (all sold by weight).